Genuine minispares manufactured bumper that fits perfectly as per original ROVER bumpers. Better than the last genuine bumpers produced for Rover - BEWARE - most others available in stainless are poor fitting--Although many look the correct shape they will only fit the front with manipulation, but are very difficult to fit on the rear as they are kinked.
This has rolled over ends for safety critical homologation(1996)and also allows extra clearance on fitment to the sportspack arches.The rolled over ends were never perfect and always slightly rippled.These are made in Automotive stainless steel material which bends easier than the originals that were in pure hard s/steel which gave problems in manufacture causing their demise.
Made in 430 Automotive stainless they still require washing and cleaning regularly owing to the positions where they are situated on the mini.
Fitted with fixing bolts but no nuts as per Rover.
Better than the last Genuine stainless steel originals these are to the quality Pianoforte reached when first supplying Rover with the open ended bumper DPB10165 which replaced the steel chromed version.
Pianoforte had tooling problems making GENUINE bumpers difficult to fit, so Minispares have come to the rescue again taking 2 years to get it perfect in looks and fitting with the curled end edges made less dangerous than the originals.
Please note that most car parts are made in automotive 430 stainless which is magnetic as opposed to pure stainless which is not magnetic.
The same bumper with holes for the deluxe corner bars and overiders is available as 14A9871
Best finished bumper in the market place. 注意書き*****特に 当社より初めて購入される方***必ず最後までご覧の上 落札をお願いします。 当方では、商品を検索しやすいように タイトルには必ず 「ミニ」 「kenz」の2つの単語を入れています。当方の出品物を探すときは検索ワードに上記2語と商品名をいれてください。例えば、クラッチのパーツをお探しの場合、検索欄に「ミニ クラッチ kenz」と入れると検索して探せます。 ☆ .。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆☆★重要☆★☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ 落札後の手順・・・こちらはストア出品です。「取引ナビ」はありません。一般の落札と手順が違いますのでご注意ください。落札後は速やかに「オーダーフォーム」にご入力いただき、落札者情報をお知らせください。 総支払金額につきましては「オーダーフォーム」入力後、落札者様のお届け先住所に合わせて自動的に送料が反映されます。決済画面に表示された合計金額をお確かめの上、決済をお願いいたします。※複数落札頂いた際は、同梱いたします。梱包サイズが変わりますので送料が変更されたのを確認の上決済をお願いいたします。(複数落札時は落札商品毎に「オーダーフォーム」に入力をお願いいたします。)日祝日発送・土日祝日受け取り・時間指定の場合はゆうパックでの発送になります。 決済が確認できましたら、発送と同時に「問い合わせ番号」を記した発送通知メールを取引メッセージでご連絡いたします。
Genuine minispares manufactured bumper that fits perfectly as per original ROVER bumpers. Better than the last genuine bumpers produced for Rover - BEWARE - most others available in stainless are poor fitting--Although many look the correct shape they will only fit the front with manipulation, but are very difficult to fit on the rear as they are kinked.
This has rolled over ends for safety critical homologation(1996)and also allows extra clearance on fitment to the sportspack arches.The rolled over ends were never perfect and always slightly rippled.These are made in Automotive stainless steel material which bends easier than the originals that were in pure hard s/steel which gave problems in manufacture causing their demise.
Made in 430 Automotive stainless they still require washing and cleaning regularly owing to the positions where they are situated on the mini.
Fitted with fixing bolts but no nuts as per Rover.
Better than the last Genuine stainless steel originals these are to the quality Pianoforte reached when first supplying Rover with the open ended bumper DPB10165 which replaced the steel chromed version.
Pianoforte had tooling problems making GENUINE bumpers difficult to fit, so Minispares have come to the rescue again taking 2 years to get it perfect in looks and fitting with the curled end edges made less dangerous than the originals.
Please note that most car parts are made in automotive 430 stainless which is magnetic as opposed to pure stainless which is not magnetic.
The same bumper with holes for the deluxe corner bars and overiders is available as 14A9871
Best finished bumper in the market place.
注意書き*****特に 当社より初めて購入される方***必ず最後までご覧の上 落札をお願いします。 当方では、商品を検索しやすいように タイトルには必ず 「ミニ」 「kenz」の2つの単語を入れています。当方の出品物を探すときは検索ワードに上記2語と商品名をいれてください。例えば、クラッチのパーツをお探しの場合、検索欄に「ミニ クラッチ kenz」と入れると検索して探せます。
☆ .。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆☆★重要☆★☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ 落札後の手順・・・こちらはストア出品です。「取引ナビ」はありません。一般の落札と手順が違いますのでご注意ください。落札後は速やかに「オーダーフォーム」にご入力いただき、落札者情報をお知らせください。 総支払金額につきましては「オーダーフォーム」入力後、落札者様のお届け先住所に合わせて自動的に送料が反映されます。決済画面に表示された合計金額をお確かめの上、決済をお願いいたします。※複数落札頂いた際は、同梱いたします。梱包サイズが変わりますので送料が変更されたのを確認の上決済をお願いいたします。(複数落札時は落札商品毎に「オーダーフォーム」に入力をお願いいたします。)日祝日発送・土日祝日受け取り・時間指定の場合はゆうパックでの発送になります。 決済が確認できましたら、発送と同時に「問い合わせ番号」を記した発送通知メールを取引メッセージでご連絡いたします。